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When Should You Consider Male Breast Reduction?

Tampa Bay male breast reduction model shirtless

Are you self-conscious about the appearance of your chest? Do you avoid certain activities, like swimming, water polo or shirts vs. skins basketball to avoid showing your chest? At Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery, we specialize in male breast reduction to help our clients live life to the fullest. Read on to discover if you should consider this procedure.

When You Should Consider Male Breast Reduction

You Are Between the Ages of 18 and 24

If you are between the ages of 18 and 24 and self-conscious about your male breasts, you should consider male breast reduction. However, you should consider very carefully if this is the right option for you.

If you are confident this procedure is right for you at this time, you are most likely a good candidate. Younger clients tend to have stronger, healthier pulmonary and cardiovascular systems. This means they are healthy enough to go under general anesthesia safely and will have a quick, comfortable recovery period.

You Are Between the Ages of 25 and 34

If you are between the ages of 25 and 34, now is perhaps the best time to consider male breast reduction, also known as gynecomastia surgery. At this age, you are probably healthy and mentally mature enough to decide if you really want this procedure.

In this age range, you may be trying to get a job, promotion or raise. You may also be trying to meet a potential partner to settle down and start a life with. Male breasts often develop during puberty due to imbalanced hormones, so if you’ve been waiting to see if those hormonal issues would clear up and they haven’t this is a good age to get help.

You Are Between the Ages of 35 and 44

Between the ages of 35 and 44, your heart and lungs are probably still strong and healthy. But between the ages of 35 and 44, you probably feel that you are in the prime of your life. You finally have the financial stability to pick up any hobby or go on any trip you can imagine. Unfortunately, if you suffer from male breasts, it can be difficult to have the confidence to follow your dreams.

You Are Between the Ages of 45 and 54

Many clients believe that between the ages of 45 and 54 is the perfect time to consider gynecomastia correction. They have important life events coming up, such as the high school or college graduation of their children. They are planning to make their final career moves to CFO or senior manager. They are still in relatively good health.

If you feel that your male breasts are preventing you from reaching your full potential, there is an excellent chance that now is a good time to consider gynecomastia correction. If you’re not sure you are healthy enough for this procedure, don’t fret. During your initial consultation, we will conduct a physical examination and review your medical history to see if it is right for you.

You Are Between the Ages of 55 and 64

Whether you have recently developed gynecomastia or you have struggled with it your entire life, if you are between the ages of 55 and 64, now is a good time to consider gynecomastia correction. If you haven’t already, you are about to enter retirement. While you’re not working, you have all the time in the world to engage in your favorite activities.

If you’ve had dreams for years of trying something, nothing should hold you back. Life is far too short for your self-consciousness to prevent you from joining the new club in your local area, attending a destination beach wedding or going on a cruise to the Bahamas.

Your Clothes Don’t Fit Right

Gynecomastia can make finding clothes that fit difficult. This can affect several aspects of your life, from business formal clothes you need for work events to the compression shirts you want to wear to the gym. Male shirts simply aren’t designed to accommodate male breast tissue. Ill-fitting shirts can wreak havoc on self-confidence and chip away at your happiness and outlook on life.

You Are at a Healthy Weight

If you are at a healthy weight, now is the right time to consider gynecomastia correction. Gynecomastia is usually caused by high levels of estrogen, low levels of testosterone, or both. However, in this day and age, it is often caused by obesity. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30. If you have a BMI lower than 30, weight loss alone may not correct your condition.

If you are obese, there is a chance that weight loss alone will be enough to reverse your condition. You need to be at a healthy weight anyway to be an ideal candidate for the correction procedure. Therefore, you should focus on weight loss until you have reached a weight category of “overweight” or ‘”normal.” You may not have excess breast tissue: you may just have excess fatty tissue. Once you’re at a healthy weight, that will become clear.

You Are Not Taking Steroids

You should consider gynecomastia correction if you are not taking steroids. In some cases, physicians prescribe steroids to treat inflammation. These may cause the side effect of developing male breasts. However, it is much more common for men to purchase steroids without a prescription and without the advice of a physician.

Unfortunately, steroids, particularly those that are unregulated, do a number on your hormone levels. If you have breast tissue greater than 0.5 cm in diameter and you are currently taking steroids, stop immediately if they were not prescribed by your physician. If your physician has prescribed steroids, ask him if you can stop taking the medication and consider gynecomastia correction.

You Are Experiencing Insomnia

We all know that menopause is a natural part of the aging process for women. What is less well known is that men go through a similar life phase known as andropause. Andropause describes “male menopause” and occurs when a man’s serum hormone levels become imbalanced. Specifically, they experience low serum levels of testosterone.

To determine if you are experiencing andropause, you should have your serum hormone levels tested. In the meantime, you can consider if you are experiencing any other symptoms, such as insomnia, night sweats, excessive nighttime urination, loss of muscle mass and an increase in abdominal fat.

You Have Excess Skin

If your male breasts are comprised of excess fat rather than excess breast tissue, SculpSure may be enough to enhance your aesthetic drastically and without surgery. However, if you struggle with excess breast tissue, excess fat, and excess skin, you need to consider male breast reduction.

This procedure removes abnormal breast tissue. It also removes excess fat tissue to further enhance the masculine aesthetic of the chest. If you have loose or sagging skin, this procedure can also remove excess skin and tighten the remaining skin.

Your Chest Is Asymmetrical

You should consider gynecomastia correction if your chest is asymmetrical. Everyone’s body is unique. If gynecomastia affects only one side of your chest, you should still consider this procedure. Not only will your chest look more masculine, but it will be symmetrical. Whether your chest is asymmetrical due to scoliosis or body fat distribution, gynecomastia correction can help.

What Can I Expect During This Procedure?

This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. Depending on the amount of tissue that needs to be removed, it will take between one and two hours. In some cases, liposuction will be performed to remove excess fatty tissue from the chest. This is accomplished via tiny incisions and a thin cannula attached to a suction device.

If you have breast tissue that requires excision, Dr. David E. Halpern, MD, FACS will make a minuscule incision hidden in the dark folds of the areola. This incision is so discreetly placed that nobody will ever know it is there. After the excess breast tissue is removed, any excess skin is removed, the remaining skin is tightened, and incisions are closed.

What Can I Expect After the Procedure?

After the procedure, we will observe you briefly to ensure enough of the general anesthesia has worn off. After that, you are free to go home, but you will be unable to drive. If possible, have someone stay with you for the first 24 hours post-op to help care for you while you rest.

You should not need more than a week or two of recovery time. During this time, avoid strenuous exercise. For the first three weeks post-op, wear a compression vest and take supplements as directed. You should also take antibiotics exactly as prescribed during your recovery.

What Results Can I Expect After the Procedure?

After your gynecomastia correction procedure, you will notice a significant improvement in the appearance of your chest. However, because you will be wearing a compression vest, you may not appreciate the results of the procedure for the first few weeks post-op. Moreover, it takes time for your body to adjust after the procedure, so it may take six months before you see the final results.

Are Results Permanent?

Whether the results of this procedure are permanent or not depends on the cause of the gynecomastia. For instance, if your gynecomastia is caused by genetics, excess breast tissue may grow back in the future. Similarly, if your gynecomastia is caused by excess fatty tissue, if you gain a significant amount of weight in the future, the problem will return.

However, if your gynecomastia is caused by something preventable, such as taking certain medications, hormone imbalance, or hormone deficiency, the results can be permanent. For instance, if your gynecomastia is caused by low testosterone, as long as you receive testosterone replacement therapy, your condition will not return.

Can Exercise Replace Male Breast Reduction?

Unfortunately, in most cases, there is no viable alternative to male breast reduction. Many men believe they can exercise the problem away. The unfortunate truth is that gynecomastia is in no way related to the chest muscles.

If you build these muscles out, your chest volume increases and just accentuates the fact that you have excess breast tissue. After you have recovered from the procedure, you are free to work your chest as much as you want and build your ideal masculine appearance.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

Do you think male breast reduction may be right for you? If so, we strongly urge you to contact us at Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery today to schedule your initial consultation. Whether you are 18 or 64, there is a good chance you could benefit from gynecomastia correction. We can’t wait to meet you and help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. David E. Halpern today

Dr. David E. Halpern is Tampa’s nationally renowned triple-board certified plastic surgeon, carefully blending expertise and artistry with extraordinary care. For the past two decades, Dr. Halpern’s dedication to exceptional care and commitment to his patients have made him Tampa’s most trusted plastic surgeon. Place your confidence in the capable hands of Tampa plastic surgeon Dr. David E. Halpern by scheduling a consultation today.

Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery is located in the Hyde Park area of South Tampa. We serve patients in Tampa Bay, Hyde Park, and out-of-town patients across Florida and beyond.

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