(813) 871-5000 Appointment

EmFacein Tampa, FL


Tampa Bay EmFace with Dr. David Halpern

Face the Future

Revitalize your skin without undergoing an invasive procedure. Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery, Inc.'s newest offering is called EmFace. This advanced technology helps reduce wrinkles, tone muscles, and boost collagen production. Dr. David Halpern is a highly credentialed plastic surgeon who provides personalized consultations to help patients find the best treatment for their aesthetic needs. If you're looking for a modern and needle-free solution to facial aging, our Tampa EmFace treatment could be the future of facial rejuvenation that you're seeking.

What is EmFace?

Age Rewind

EmFace is a groundbreaking facial rejuvenation treatment available at Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery, Inc. This innovative procedure, overseen by the skilled Dr. David Halpern, harnesses the power of synchronized radiofrequency (RF) and High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology (HIFES) to address the aging process comprehensively.

Synchronized RF works by heating the dermis, stimulating collagen and elastin production, resulting in smoother, firmer skin. Simultaneously, HIFES Technology targets specific facial muscles, including the forehead and midface muscles, inducing contractions that enhance muscle density and tone. This dynamic combination addresses fine lines and wrinkles and provides a natural lift and voluminous structure to the face. EmFace represents a breakthrough in facial aesthetics, offering a 20-minute, needle-free procedure that delivers remarkable results.

EmFace Benefits

What can EmFace do for me?

By combining synchronized radiofrequency (RF) and High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology (HIFES), EmFace works wonders to enhance facial muscle density, reduce facial fat, and lift the entire face, including cheeks and brows. This innovative technology stimulates muscle contraction, promoting the restoration of lost volume over time. In just a 20-minute needle-free and pain-free session, EmFace increases collagen production by 26 percent, doubles elastin production, improves skin texture, and reduces wrinkles by an impressive 37 percent. The procedure goes beyond conventional treatments by directly addressing facial muscles, ensuring a natural and youthful appearance without invasive surgery or injections.

As a non-invasive alternative to traditional cosmetic procedures, EmFace offers remarkable benefits, including increased muscle tone by 30 percent, reduction of double chin, and overall rejuvenation of facial tissue support. Experience the transformative power of EmFace in Tampa, where our skilled team, led by Dr. Halpern, is dedicated to helping you achieve the timeless and confident look you desire.

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EmFace Candidates

Is EmFace right for me?

EmFace is an inclusive facial rejuvenation solution suitable for a wide range of individuals seeking a non-invasive and effective method to address aging concerns. Ideal candidates for the treatment are those looking to diminish wrinkles, enhance facial muscle tone, and achieve an overall rejuvenated appearance. Whether you're bothered by fine lines, loss of facial volume, or sagging skin, EmFace offers a tailored approach.

EmFace is generally well-tolerated, but candidates should not have specific contraindications, including metal implants in the treatment area, a history of keloid scarring, or a pacemaker. Individuals with specific medical conditions or skin disorders may need to consult with Dr. David Halpern to determine their suitability for this treatment. EmFace is a non-invasive procedure, so it is well-suited for those seeking a convenient and needle-free alternative to traditional facial rejuvenation methods. During a Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery consultation, Dr. Halpern will assess individual needs and provide personalized recommendations for optimal results.

EmFace Elegance

Consultation and Preparation

Before embarking on your EmFace journey at Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery with Dr. David Halpern, a thorough consultation will take place. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your aesthetic goals, address concerns, and understand the nuances of the treatment. Dr. Halpern, renowned for his personalized approach, will carefully evaluate your facial anatomy, skin condition, and medical history to determine the most effective treatment strategy for you.

During the consultation, you'll have the chance to ask questions and gain a comprehensive understanding of the procedure. Dr. Halpern will explain the treatment process, including the application of synchronized radiofrequency (RF) and High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology (HIFES). He will also outline any pre-treatment guidelines to optimize the results and minimize potential risks.

We recommend arriving with a clean, makeup-free face. This guarantees the treatment area is ready for the EmFace technology to work magic. As EmFace is a non-invasive procedure, there's typically no need for extensive preparation or downtime. Following Dr. Halpern's guidance during the consultation and adhering to any pre-treatment instructions will contribute to a smooth and successful experience.

Emface Procedure

Sculpt, Lift, Glow

The EmFace procedure at Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery with Dr. David Halpern is a seamless and virtually painless journey toward facial rejuvenation. The non-invasive nature of the treatment eliminates the need for anesthesia or numbing agents, ensuring a comfortable patient experience.

The procedure is efficiently designed to fit your schedule, with each session lasting approximately 20 minutes. The cutting-edge EmFace technology, combining synchronized radiofrequency (RF) and High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology (HIFES), is applied to target specific facial muscles. The synchronized RF works beneath the surface, stimulating collagen and elastin production for enhanced skin structure. At the same time, HIFES technology selectively contracts key facial muscles, restoring lost volume and providing a youthful lift.

Patients can relax during the procedure, experiencing a warming and massaging sensation in the treated areas. The absence of needles and the quick, 20-minute duration make EmFace an ideal lunchtime treatment with minimal disruption to your daily routine. With Dr. David Halpern overseeing the process, you can trust that your EmFace procedure is in expert hands, promising remarkable results without surgery or extended recovery.

Redefining Beauty with a Wink and a Smile

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

Following a treatment with EmFace Tampa patients can anticipate progressive improvements in their facial appearance. While individual responses may vary, noticeable results typically emerge within a few weeks after the procedure.

The recovery process is remarkably swift, with no downtime required. EmFace's non-invasive approach means you can resume your daily activities immediately after leaving the clinic. Dr. Halpern provides personalized post-treatment guidance during your consultation, ensuring you're well-informed about the aftercare process.

You are encouraged to stick to a few guidelines. While there's no specific downtime, avoiding intense physical activity immediately after the procedure is recommended. Additionally, sun protection is always crucial, emphasizing the importance of wearing sunscreen to shield your rejuvenated skin from harmful UV rays.

Why choose Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery?

What can EmFace do for me?

At Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery, choosing EmFace isn't just about undergoing a revolutionary facial treatment; it's about entrusting your aesthetic journey to the expertise of Dr. David Halpern and his exceptional team.

Dr. Halpern, a triple-board certified plastic surgeon, is a beacon of excellence in the field. Recognized as "South Tampa's Best Plastic Surgeon" by the South Tampa News Reader's Poll, his accolades extend beyond local acclaim. In 2022, he assumed the presidency of the Florida Society of Plastic Surgeons, a testament to his leadership and influence in the industry.

Dr. Halpern's unwavering commitment to personalized patient care sets Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery apart. Beyond the accolades, each patient receives genuine understanding and individualized attention. Dr. Halpern ensures a comprehensive and compassionate approach from the initial consultation to the post-treatment follow-up.

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Schedule Your Tampa EmFace Consultation at Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery Today

Rediscover your radiance and confidence with EmFace at Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery. Dr. David Halpern and his team are ready to guide you through this revolutionary facial treatment, addressing your unique beauty goals.

Contact us today to book your EmFace consultation. Call (813) 871-5000 or visit our website to take the first step towards a more radiant you.

EmFace Frequently Asked Questions

This is a non-invasive and generally pain-free procedure. Patients typically experience a warming and relaxing sensation during the treatment.

This treatment is considered safe, with minimal risks. The technology used in EmFace has undergone clinical testing for safety and efficiency. It is essential to consult with our experienced team to discuss any specific concerns.

EmFace is suitable for various skin types. Our team will assess your skin during the consultation and discuss the expected outcomes based on your unique characteristics.

Patients can typically resume their skincare routine immediately after EmFace. Our team will provide personalized post-treatment care instructions to ensure optimal results.

The cost of EmFace can vary based on individual needs and treatment plans. During your consultation, we will discuss the pricing details and any available packages.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. David E. Halpern today

Dr. David E. Halpern is Tampa’s nationally renowned triple-board certified plastic surgeon, carefully blending expertise and artistry with extraordinary care. For the past two decades, Dr. Halpern’s dedication to exceptional care and commitment to his patients have made him Tampa’s most trusted plastic surgeon. Place your confidence in the capable hands of Tampa plastic surgeon Dr. David E. Halpern by scheduling a consultation today.

Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery is located in the Hyde Park area of South Tampa. We serve patients in Tampa Bay, Hyde Park, and out-of-town patients across Florida and beyond.

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