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What Is Body Contouring?

body contouring model with tape measure around thigh

It’s normal to have loose, sagging skin on your stomach, arms, and other parts of your body after you go through pregnancy or lose a significant amount of weight. At Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery, we can use body contouring procedures to lift your loose skin. We can also use these procedures to help you lose unwanted fat and achieve a contoured, sleek silhouette.

What Is Body Contouring?

Body contouring procedures are aesthetic techniques that can be used to remove unwanted skin and fat from specific locations on your body. At Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery, your procedure will be performed by Dr. David E. Halpern. He is an experienced plastic surgeon, and he has been using these procedures to contour and enhance bodies for over fifteen years.

These procedures can lift the skin on your thighs, arms, and stomach. These techniques can also be used to remove unwanted fat from your stomach, thighs, and other parts of your body.

In addition to addressing sagging skin and stubborn pockets of fat, these procedures can be used to give you a shapely, attractive figure.

What Contouring Procedures Can I Use to Improve My Body?

We can use a variety of contouring procedures to remove your unwanted fat, firm your skin, and sculpt your body.

Tummy Tuck

If you would like to achieve a flatter, more attractive stomach, you might be a good candidate for a tummy tuck. It’s common to use a tummy tuck to address loose, sagging skin that developed after pregnancy. This procedure can also be used to remove excess skin that appeared after you lost a significant amount of weight.

During this procedure, we will usually make an incision below your bikini line. Placing your incision in this location will allow us to avoid making noticeable scars on your stomach. Next, we will eliminate unwanted fat and skin on your stomach. We will also improve the muscles on your abdominal wall.


Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that eliminates unwanted fat from various locations on your body. This procedure is an excellent way to address fat deposits that you haven’t been able to reduce by going to the gym and eating better.

We can use a variety of techniques to remove unwanted fat. For example, we may use the tumescent technique to contour your body. During this type of liposuction, we will inject a customized solution of anesthetic and saline into your fat cells. This solution will help us quickly suction these fat cells out of your body.

Alternatively, we can use an ultrasound probe to melt your fat cells and make them easier to remove.

Strawberry Laser Treatments

A strawberry laser treatment is a gentle body contouring technique that uses laser energy to reduce stubborn pockets of fat. If you are looking for a less invasive way to sculpt your body, this laser treatment may be a good option for you.

During this treatment, we will use a laser to send energy into your body. This energy will shrink your fat cells and give you a slimmer, more contoured appearance.

In general, your strawberry laser treatment will last for about twenty minutes. You may lose one to three inches of fat in your treatment area after each laser session. Since you won’t receive general anesthesia or incisions during your strawberry laser treatment, you will be able to leave our office and continue with your day after your appointment is complete.

Breast Lift

It’s normal for your breasts to sag and lose some of their shape after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Further, the negative effects of age can cause your breasts to sag as you become older.

During a breast lift, we will use a specialized technique to remove excess skin from your chest and give your breasts a perky, youthful appearance. Depending on your cosmetic goals, we can combine this procedure with a breast augmentation.

Arm Lift

Over time, your skin will become less elastic and firm, and you will begin to develop loose skin on your arms. Further, you may notice cellulite and unwanted fat in this area of your body. We can use an arm lift, also known as a Brachioplasty, to eliminate these issues and give you slim, attractive arms.

We usually perform arm lifts by making a very small incision in your armpit. We will use this incision to remove tissues from your arm and lift your skin. After we have tightened your skin, we will close this incision with absorbable sutures. The results of your arm lift are likely to last for many years, and you can prolong the benefits of this procedure by maintaining a healthy, stable weight.

Thigh Lift

In addition to developing sagging skin on your arms, you are likely to see negative changes in your thighs as you become older. In particular, you may notice loose, dimpled skin on your thighs. A thigh lift, also known as a thighplasty, is a great way to give your thighs a more youthful appearance.

During this procedure, we will make a small incision in a discreet location on your thighs. We will use this incision to tighten your skin and remove unwanted fat from your thighs.

Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian butt lift is an aesthetic procedure that is used to give you round, attractive buttocks. We can also use a Brazilian butt lift to improve the appearance of asymmetric buttocks or change the position of your buttocks.

During this procedure, we will use liposuction to eliminate unwanted fat from your thighs, abdomen, or other areas of your body. Next, we will process this fat and inject it into your buttocks.

This procedure will immediately increase the size of your buttocks. That said, your buttocks will slowly become smaller as your body recovers from your procedure and absorbs some of your transferred body fat. In general, you will see the final effect of a Brazilian butt lift after two to three months.

Which Contouring Procedure Is Right for Me?

We will help you select a procedure or combination of procedures that will allow you to achieve your contouring goals. You’ll meet with Dr. David E. Halpern before you receive any of the procedures described above.

During this one-on-one consultation, Dr. Halpern will carefully examine your body and talk about the areas and features that you would like to improve.

Based on this discussion, he will create a contouring plan for you. If you would like to enhance several different features on your body, he is likely to advise you to receive multiple procedures. For example, if you want to improve your body after pregnancy, he may advise you to receive liposuction and a tummy tuck.

How Should I Prepare for My Contouring Procedure?

You’ll have to follow different rules before each of these procedures. For instance, we may advise you not to take blood-thinning medications for a couple of days. Further, if we have instructed you to take certain medications after your procedure, you should make sure to fill these prescriptions before your appointment.

A friend or family member should come to your appointment. This person can drive you home and take care of you while you rest and recover. It’s a good idea to have this person help you prepare meals and take care of your housework during this time.

Will I Have a Long Recovery Period After My Procedure Is Complete?

Although each of these aesthetic procedures has a unique recovery period, you will usually recover from your procedure within about one to four weeks. You can help your body heal by carefully following our aftercare instructions and taking any medications that we prescribe to you.

For example, after you receive a Brazilian butt lift, you will be able to move around your house within twenty-four hours. However, you will not be able to sit for about two weeks. You’ll need to lie on your stomach or side during this time. Further, you will need to wear compression garments while your buttocks are healing.

How Long Will the Results of My Contouring Procedure Last?

All of these contouring procedures will create lasting improvements in your body.

Fat Reduction

During liposuction, we will permanently remove fat cells from your body. Even if you gain weight in the future, you will not regain these specific cells.

However, if you fail to adopt healthy habits, your body will become less contoured over time. To maintain the benefits of your liposuction procedure, you should eat a healthy diet and engage in regular physical activities.

Skin Tightening

The results of a thigh lift, arm lift, or other tightening procedure are likely to last for many years. However, it’s important to understand that your skin will continue to sag and loosen as you age.

To prolong the results of your tightening procedure, you should wear strong sunscreen when you go outside and use high-quality skincare products.

Fat Transfer

After you receive a Brazilian butt lift, your body will gradually absorb some of the fat that was transferred into your buttocks.

The fat that remains after a couple of months will be permanent. However, the appearance of your buttocks will change if you lose or gain a large amount of weight. You can preserve your contoured look by maintaining a stable weight.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Contouring Procedure?

You are likely to achieve good results from a body contouring procedure if you are in good health and do not have any major medical conditions. Further, you might not be able to receive a contouring procedure if you have a skin infection in your target area or have a blood clotting disorder.

In addition, to use a Brazilian butt lift to improve your buttocks, you must have sufficient fat on your stomach, thighs, or other places to use during the fat transfer process.

To protect your safety, we will talk about your health during your initial meeting with us. You should inform us about any aesthetic treatments or procedures that you’ve received in the past, any supplements or medications that you are taking, and any illnesses or medical conditions that you have. We will use the information that you’ve given us, along with our physical examination of your body, to decide whether you are healthy enough to receive your desired procedure.

Contour Your Body

You shouldn’t let sagging skin or stubborn areas of fat keep you from feeling confident about your body. We can use a wide variety of body contouring procedures to lift your skin, sculpt your physique, and remove your unwanted fat. To learn more about the benefits of breast lifts, liposuction, and other contouring methods, contact us at Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery.

Schedule your consultation with Dr. David E. Halpern today

Dr. David E. Halpern is Tampa’s nationally renowned triple-board certified plastic surgeon, carefully blending expertise and artistry with extraordinary care. For the past two decades, Dr. Halpern’s dedication to exceptional care and commitment to his patients have made him Tampa’s most trusted plastic surgeon. Place your confidence in the capable hands of Tampa plastic surgeon Dr. David E. Halpern by scheduling a consultation today.

Tampa Bay Plastic Surgery is located in the Hyde Park area of South Tampa. We serve patients in Tampa Bay, Hyde Park, and out-of-town patients across Florida and beyond.

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